Directed by Andrea Ortega Botello

Runtime: 4:30

Country of Origin: Mexico

Student Film: Tecnológico de Monterrey - Monterrey, Mexico

A nauseous baker is amazed by what the rottenness of his kitchen has been able to create, a fermented dough to the point of monstrosity capable of wiping him out.

Director Biography

Andrea Ortega Botello is a student about to graduate with a degree in Digital Art from Tecnológico de Monterrey, where she has played several roles in various student film projects. She has played roles as director, art director, concept artist, 2D, 3D and stop motion animator. The last year of her career has been dedicated exclusively to stopmotion projects, being part of the short film "Un pequeño corazón", where she developed mainly in concept art, character design and also at the stop motion department, which was supervised by a member of Kraneo Estudio. She was the director of her most recent project, "Fermento", a stop motion horror short film that was made in collaboration with Taller del Chucho, besides that, she was also involved in concept art, design and construction of puppets, sets, and props, animation, production design, lighting, editing and postproduction.


ENTER The Dark Woods
