Zero Coordinates

Directed by Nima Valibeigi

Runtime: 18:01

Country of Origin: Islamic Republic of Iran

Two German army generals meet in an underground bunker to exchange canes of power during World War II.As he is about to exchange canes, the phone rings and announces Hitler's death.The general ( Hans Werner ) who knows the location of the canes refuses to give them and the second general ( Rudolf Höss ) tries to take the canes.

Director Biography

Nima Valibeigi was born on 22 may,1993 in Fars, Iran. He began his way as a theater actor when he was just 7 years old and he kept doing that for about eighteen years.In 2017 he directed his first film "Wound" in symbolic surreal genre which has received the award for best independent film and numerous other recognitions.And his new movies “Wild Red/Bloody Alpaca” released 1st January and won many awards.
New movie named " Zero Coordinates " is a surreal story about WWII.

