The Skin She's In

Directed by Cole McCracken

Runtime: 8:35

Country of Origin: Canada

A woman whose skin has begun to rot, goes for a night on the town, looking for someone to lure home for a deadly purpose. 

Director Biography

Cole McCracken is a filmmaker based out of Toronto, Ontario; though he spent much of his life out of Calgary, Alberta and North Bay, Ontario. Cole works part-time in Script Supervisor, production and AD roles on set, as well as freelance photo/video work. Many of the concepts Cole uses for his films are twisted versions of struggles he would see people dealing with no matter where he was living, or what professions they had. Most recently his film "The Skin She's In" has been given an award for "Best Canadian" at the Toronto International Spring of Horror and Fantasy festival, though the short has only just begun its festival run.


The Skin


The Woman Who Wears Black