Directed by Berk Köse, Ferit Doğan

Runtime: 15:00

Country of Origin: Turkey

Inviting his girlfriend (Selin) to dinner one evening, Gökhan wants to show her a new piece of art he just bought. However, the effects of this work of art increase the tension between the couple and the sense of time begins to fade.

Director Biography

Berk Köse and Ferit Doğan graduated together from Istanbul Gelisim University, Department of Cinema and Television. First, they worked together on the short film "Daisy Trampled Down" directed and written by Berk Köse, where Ferit worked as a lighting assistant. Then they co-wrote the script of the short film "Process", which was also directed by Berk Köse. Later, Berk Köse worked as the cinematographer in the short film "Past, Future, Now" which was directed and written by Ferit Doğan. The short film "Stendhal" has joined the duo's ongoing projects in which Berk and Ferit co-wrote the script and co-directed the film.


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