Directed by Kassy Gascho

Runtime: 12:45

Country of Origin: Canada

Desperate to climb the ranks of Bevlon, a #girlboss pyramid scheme, Sofi throws a recruitment party for a few girlfriends. When one of her guests suddenly drops dead, Sofi and her friends must decide what matters more-their friendship or their downline.

Director Biography

KASSY GASCHO is a very goofy filmmaker and film programmer at the  Blood in the Snow Film Festival in Toronto. Her work has been screened  at various film festivals around the world since she was 16 years old.  She’s been making movies way longer than that but you won’t ever see  them. Kassy’s DIY filmmaking approach is informed by working in various  roles over her time on this planet and having a strong background in  editing, camera, and producing. Her latest short, The Phone Interview  has received rave reviews such as "Can there be enough pink?” and “This  looks like it was shot in Claire's store” as well as received multiple  awards from festivals around the world. She’s very excited to bring her  new short #BOSSBABE to the silver screen, where it belongs.


A Long Bite Goodnight