The Chuzalongo

Directed by Julie Neira Campoverde

Runtime: 14:07

Country of Origin: Ecuador

Set in Ecuador, Ofelia’s eyes are opened to what it means to become a young woman in society as she is stripped of her voice, power and freedom by her overbearing father while on a family camping trip to celebrate her 15th birthday. But Ofelia’s greatest threat may not even be human.

Director Biography - Julie Neira Campoverde

Julie Neira Campoverde is an Ecuadorian award-winning filmmaker based in Brooklyn, New York and a current second year MFA film student at City College of New York. She won the BAFTA NY 2021 DLT Entertainment Scholarship with her short horror script for “El Chuzalongo” as well as an honorable mention for the Nyman Family Project Award. Julie uses the horror genre as a platform to create awareness of worldwide issues like the obsession with social media (“The Crossroads”), dating apps (“Saturday Night”) and toxic masculinity rooted in Latinx and Hispanic culture (“El Chuzalongo”).




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