Stay Human

Directed by Francesco Foletto

Runtime: 11:30

Country of Origin: Italy

Two prostitutes working in their rented apartment find themselves in full isolation due to a pandemic, with no way out and no outside help. Luckily, the landlady seems to take care of them bringing them food. However, the situation worsens, the apartment door turns out to be impossible to open, and the two protagonists, trapped in a small room, experience a transformation. Instincts begin to prevail over reason. even the electricity suddenly stops. The lady continues to feed them, but only every so often. Anxiety and hunger grow between the two prisoners. It all escalates in a squabble about one last drug dose, that degenerates into a struggle for survival in which the one who had started it becomes the victim. On the brink of madness the surviving woman, gripped by a rush of rage and desperation, manages to find a way out.


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