Shared Vessel

Directed by Daniel Carsenty

Runtime: 11:17

Country of Origin: United States

Winifred, a ghost, is constantly being channeled by obnoxious teenager, Cher. Irritated by being controlled spiritually, and sympathetic with Cher's parents' frustrations, Winifred finds an unexpected solution to bring peace to the house.

Director Biography - Daniel Carsenty

Daniel Carsenty wrote and directed 'After Spring Comes Fall', an espionage-drama about a Syrian woman forced to work as an informer. The film won the Award for Best Feature at the Zsigmond Vilmos Festival in Sziget in 2017. His second film, 'The Devil's Drivers', a documentary about a Bedouin specialized in smuggling Palestinian workers into Israel, premiered at TIFF in 2021 and won the Special Award of the Jury at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival. Before becoming an directing fellow at the American Film Institute, Daniel worked for many years as a TV journalist for ARTE and BBC Arabic in the Middle East. His films examine the origins of violence, deal with questions of intergenerational trauma, and create compassion for the other side. He lives in Los Angeles, where he divides his time between developing his next project and teaching at the Raindance Institute.


Revenge of the Spaghetti Monster

