English Tutor

Directed by Jaho Koo

Runtime: 10:21

Country of Origin: Republic of Korea

A Korean university student takes on an unusual tutoring job and encounters a young child who refuses to write in English. As the tutor attempts to get to the root of the child's reluctance, she uncovers a shocking revelation about the child and her mother.

Director Biography - Jaho Koo

Jaho is a new filmmaker with a culturally diverse background, having lived in seven countries before the age of 19 and studied film production in the United States. He brings a unique perspective to his work, blending his experiences from different cultures with his passion for genre films. Jaho self-funded and directed his debut short, 'English Tutor,' showcasing his desire to merge Western and Korean culture in his stories. As Jaho continues to make his mark in the world of cinema, his journey as a filmmaker is one to watch closely.



