Directed by Luca Di Paolo

Runtime: 14:00

Country of Origin: Italy

EZIO is a "borderline" boy who uses drugs. He is madly in love with ALICE, a girl with a hard and greedy heart who lives in Rome, in the busy center of Forte Prenestino. One night Alice provokes Ezio by asking her mother's heart as proof of her love. In doing so they will finally be able to move in together at Ezio's house. When Alice sees the heart, in dismay, she realizes she dominates Ezio's mind. And then it goes further.

Director Biography - Luca Di Paolo

Luca Di Paolo was born in Rome on June 29, 1997. In 2016 he wrote and directed his first short film "Voci" which won the award for Best Young Short at the A-day Movies in Bari. In 2018 his second short film "Viaggio nei of the little moments that divide us" is screened at the Parma Film Festival, then participates in the Free Aquila Festival, in the Public Domain Call and is screened twice more in theaters. The magazines Fabrique Du Cinéma, and taxidrivers talk about his short film. The short film is currently available on PrimeVideo. In 2019 he graduated in Performing Arts and Sciences specializing in Cinema and subsequently completed the Masters in Screenwriting, Production and Marketing at Sapienza. Since September 2019 he has directed a series of episodes by youtuber Daniele Montesi The Suckerz. In 2020 he presents Deathmate at MArtelive, a short film with Rocco Fasano and Blu Yoshimi, which thanks to the PremiereFilm distribution, arrives at festivals all over the world as well as the ecu film festival. The short will be available on Prime soon. Subsequently, he participates in the 48h film festival with the short film "I can't die in Samba", which wins the award for best sound design.


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